Youth Football

Youth Football



 The Youth Football kickabouts have been a huge success with 150 children attending drop-in sessions and 70 children fully registered. In total, there have been over one thousand children attending these sessions, benefitting from FA coaches and many children going on to play with local teams.

Get in touch if you would like to join the Wednesday Youth Football sessions!

Success Stories

Mark is six he has been coming and learning about football since April 2022 learning all the skills associated with the game and how to get along with others. It is about

teamwork, sharing, losing, winning, respect and building confidence and resilience he now plays for Pelicans.

Kian plays in goal one of the loneliest positions on the team and one of the most important carrying a great deal of responsibility. Shaun Buckley joined the coaches this year and has been able to train Kian and others in the art of goalkeeping. Its tough lots of physical exertion and spatial ability needed Kian plays for one of the Pelican teams with an improved skill set.

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